Shankaracharya Hill

ASI's Assault on Shankaracharya Hill

According to this Tribune news report, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has summarily renamed the Shankaracharya Hill to Takht-e-Suleiman overlooking the Dal Lake in Srinagar.  If this was not enough, the ASI has also presented a distorted version of the history of the Shankaracharya Hill on the tourist information plaque, a move which has justifiably outraged the Kashmiri Pandits. From that news report:

“It is a matter of great concern that ASI has given the name Takht-e-Suleiman (Throne of Solomon) to it, replacing the earlier plaque. How have they come to this conclusion warrants an answer,” said Predhuman K Joseph Dhar, an expert on ancient Kashmir history. He said recently a European historian visited the place and expressed surprise over information provided to the people.

Of course, there is no question that this move is politically motivated because it has no basis in history.  One wonders what is the connection between Suleiman/Solmon and Adi Shankara.

Even a layman in India knows that Adi Shankara travelled in all four directions in India and established Mutts in prominent places in each direction. That apart, he consecrated several other major and minor temples and other places of worship like in Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, Kollur in Karnataka, and in Sharada in Pak-occupied Kashmir.

Kashmir indeed has a hoary history as one of the finest centres of learning in the world. In its heydays, it attracted scholars and philosophers from all parts of India. In the annals of the Hindu tradition, Kashmir was almost synonymous with “Sharada Desha” or “Sharada Peetha” or the Pedestal of Goddess Sharada (or Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning). A conclusive evidence of this exalted status of Kashmir can best be gleaned from the famous verse in praise of Saraswathi as

Namaste Sharada Devi Kashmirapuravasini||
I bow to you, Goddess Sharada,
the One who Resides in the Kashmira country||

This verse is so commonplace recited and heard by millions of Hindus daily across the world that hardly anybody gives a second thought at the rich historical heritage that’s embedded in it. And the credit for establishing Kashmir as the Sharada Peetha, to make it part of the nation’s cultural and spiritual DNA goes to Adi Shankara.

And it is this hoary heritage that the ASI has sought to destroy unceremoniously by renaming the Hill after some Suleiman based on a spurious history. Needless, in the process, real history has been made an unfortunate victim. From the same report,

“While the plaque informs the people that the roof of the temple was constructed by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1644 AD, there is no mention of King Gopadhari, who constructed the temple, King Lalitaditya, who renovated it several hundred years before the arrival of Islam in the 13th century, and Dogra rulers, who placed the lingam of Lord Shiva, which was destroyed at the orders of Jehangir’s wife Noor Jehan,” said Dhar

As for the spurious history,

 Talking about the name Takht-e-Suleiman, New York-based historian and author of “Jesus in Kashmir- The Lost Tomb’, Suzanne Olsson, said at one time Kashmir was controlled by Jews and Suleiman referred to Solomon, King of Israel and one of the greatest Jewish rulers, known for his wisdom and riches. “In ancient times, there was a considerable influence of Hebrew people in Kashmir. Several places have names similar to Jewish places. But historically, it is referred to as Shankaracharya Hill,” Olsson said.

One wonders whether Suzanne Olsson even understands how she contradicts her own assertion. If Jews had indeed controlled Kashmir, why don’t we have a single piece of evidence to show for it? And second, she doesn’t quite explain why despite the Jewish control, the Hill was revered and renowned as the Shankaracharya Hill? And why doesn’t Rajatarangini, the most definitive account of Kashmir’s history mention the presence–let alone control–of Jews even once? And why haven’t the galaxy of scholars and litterateurs from Kashmir–Kalhana, Abhinavagupta, Anandavardhana, Kshemendra, et al–mention Jewish influence? The truth is the Suzanne Olsson happens to be the latest purveyor of the phony theory that Jesus visited/lived in Kashmir. Two definitive sources are sufficient to puncture Suzanne Olsson’s motivated claim about Jesus in Kashmir. The first is by the redoubtable Koenraad Elst, and the second by a Buddhist monk and scholar named Shravasti Dhammika who takes a close look into various Suzanne Olssonsesque myths about Jesus’ visit and stay in India.

All kinds of scholars making all kinds of fantastic assertions have existed since time immemorial. However, it is regrettable that the ASI, a body of the Government of India, chose to put out one such fantastic claim as the official history of a place based purely on political consideration. This does disservice not just to Hindus but to the nation’s precious heritage as a whole. More importantly, it is a dangerous portent. As we’ve seen in the case of the St. Thomas Church of Mylapore how an existing Hindu place of worship was appropriated by Christian missionaries through deceit and declared as one of the sites of Christian piety.

Given this, what is the guarantee that the “Takht-e-Suleiman” will not become a dargah or mosque some time in the near or distant future and thereby erase another living place of Hindu heritage permanently?


    April 21, 2017

    Paneendra Kumar

    Time has come to seek divine intervention for the Kashmir problem. Let’s pray for Peaceful Kashmir and One India Strong India on April 30 2017 Shankarajayanti at Shankaracharya hill Srinagar. The best way to remember and follow teachings of Adi guru Shankaracharya is to pray for Kashmir on Shankarajayanti. Many sages came to Kashmir in search of knowledge .As we know Kashmir the land of sages and Saints got its name from Kashyapa muni. Saint Abhinav gupta was from here. Adi guru Shankaracharya meditated here. The land of knowledge and spiritualisms is disturbed today due to ignorance. Let’s restore Kashmir to its ancient glory. Let’s us all pray together to god to send a saint again who will restore Peace, Knowledge and Spiritualism back in Kashmir. #PeacefullKashmir #OneIndiaStrongIndia

    August 23, 2016

    chetna razdan

    Dr. Rakesh Tewari

    Director General

    Phone: 23015954

    Fax: 23019487
    why not ask him for the ASI’s version of the story… shouldn’t he be answerable for these changes…please allow him to clear this issue.

    June 11, 2015

    Arun Kumar Upadhyay

    It is distortion pf Biblical history also. King Solomon of Jerusalem never lived or even visited this place. As per Rajatarangini, this Temple was built by 69th king of Kashmir of Gonanda vamsa, Gopaditya (417-357 BC) in 367 BC. Shankaracharya was born on 4-4-509 BC at 2252 hrs LMT at Kalati in Kerala. He expired in 477 BC. Thus, this temple was built in his memory 10 years after his death. According to Shankar Digvijaya of Madhav and others also, Shankaracharya was honoured as Sarvajna here.

    April 1, 2014

    S Chand

    Infact this was trending 2 weeks earlier on Twitter while Omar was shamelessly defending the hill is still under Shankaracharyas’ name, SM Hindus retorted even slapping him with a pic that showed change in the name. Such a blatant act was hatched by these muslim rulers in times of 24×7 media coverage, we can understand how would their ancestor barbarian rulers would have behaved with our forefathers and our traditional sacred places of worship.

    History under the aegis of Nehruvian secular historians, is actually distorted version of the actual History that witnessed large scale holocaust of HIndu temples, plundering wealth, and destruction of Hindu temples. Hindus are converted or culled while Hindu women were made to sex slave Muslim barbarian Kings.

    March 22, 2014

    Gurupriyan Menon

    In fact, every old name in the nation STARTING WITH BHARATAM should be brought back in order to get the future generations of Hindus to get connected to the ITHIHAASAS and history of the heritage and also to feel proud.
    This heritage is to maintained in tact which is the TRUE LIGHT FOR THE HUMANITY.

    March 20, 2014

    S Srinivasan

    Kindly do not meddle with history and hoary traditions. Shankaracharya hill should bear the name that was.

  • […] Outrages such as these are rarely covered by mainstream media and are reported only by independent Hindu watchdogs. Examples such as these are […]

    March 16, 2014

    ajantha kumar

    This is unacceptable. This will create a lot of problems

  • […] historical facts to the winds. We then investigated deeper into the matter, dug into history, and published this politically-motivated act of the ASI by giving a factual account of the Shankaracharya […]

    March 14, 2014

    Pran Raina

    This is a continuous process of ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir . Every milestone which would lead us to our great past is being defaced, and an attempt to re-write the history in green with false icons is being viciously followed..

    March 14, 2014


    Shame on ASI. At the behest of vested interests and politicians, the history is being twisted to appease the Muslim community. I strongly oppose this move. The Shankaracharya name to be restored

    March 13, 2014

    Sourov Deb

    Shame on ASI and Indian government. Denying our heritage,culture,ancestry will take us nowhere. Stop this nonsense and minority appeasement.

    March 10, 2014


    I oppose name changing of Shankaracharya hill, in any circumstances name can be change, it’s. A conspiracy to destroy history, and religion, we will not tolerate this.

    March 9, 2014


    Solomon or Sulaiman the just will roll in pain in his grave at the injustice done to the name by the ignorance of ASI researcers. The hill by taking the name of shankara symbolizes the great truths of oneness of spirit and matter as propounded by shankara. Let the market oriented ASI persons understand, realize and accept that the site is NOT a commercial asset with some silly title of land or structure.

    March 9, 2014

    Nitin Pradhan

    Nitin Pradhan.

    It is shameful as well as saddening that for personal benefits people are distorting history. No political party, including the BJP is saying anything on the issue, Ironically, we look for the BJP & Narendra Modi as the Hindu messiah!!!

    March 9, 2014

    V.Subramanian,chennai tamil naadu

    தொன்றுதொட்டு வரும் பழக்க வழக்கங்களும் கலாச்சாரமும் தலைமுறை தலைமுறையாகப் பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டு வருகின்ற சந்ததியினருக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்று புரியவைக்க வேண்டும்.பழம்பெரும் கோயில்கள் நமது முன்னோரை நமக்கு அறிவித்துக்கொண்டும்தொண்டுகளையும் அவர்களது வரலாற்றையும் பறை அறைவித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது எந்த அடையாளங்களையும் தனிப்பட்ட நபர்களின் தேவைக்கு ஏற்ப வேறு பெயரிடுவதும் மாற்றியமைப்பதையும் வரலாற்றை புனைந்து கூறுவதும் மகா பாபமானதாகும்.
    அரசு நடுநிலை வகித்து தவறான செயல்களை அனுமதிக்காமல், தவிர்க்கவேண்டும்
    வெ.சுப்பிரமணியன் ஓம்

    March 8, 2014

    BG Prasad

    It is very saddening and ridiculous that a great place known as Shankaracharya Hill where Shankaracharya preached the concluding portions of Advitha siddhanta in Kashmir is renamed just because ASI has come up with a bunkum and fictitious story. Enough damage has been done to our culture and heritage, those in power should at least now rise to the occasion and put a full stop to this kind of deeds. – please see that this hill which is known since 800 AD to Hindu’s is not renamed to satisfy some congress idiots for their vote bank gains…..If so I tell you that this will be their last parting kick and they will never raise again.. Some great details can be sourced from Sringeri Shankar mutt at Sringeri Karnataka….. BG Prasad

    March 7, 2014

    Ashok Gupta

    कश्मीर में शकराचार्य की स्थापना के नाम में यह परिवर्तन न केवल घोर आपत्तिजनत है, बल्कि इस के लिये संबंधित निर्णायक व्यवस्था की निंदा की जानी चाहिए और इसका आंदोलनधर्मी विरोध होना चाहिये. निर्णायक व्यवस्था पर यह दबाव बनाया जाय कि वह उन कारणों को उजागर करे जिनके आधार पर ऐसा अनर्गल निर्णय लिया गया. इस प्रस्ताव का मूल कारक कौन था और अब यह निर्णय लागू होने की किस प्रक्रिया तक पहुंचा है. यह स्थिति एक रिट पिटीशन की मांग करती है जिसमें वह सारे प्रश्न उठाये जाएँ और उन्हें किसी कानूनविद के माध्यम से ऊपर तक पहुंचाया जाय. आश्चर्य है कि हिंदुत्व के पुरोधा नरेन्द्र मोदी का इस संबंध में कोई स्वर नहीं सुनाई पड़ा. क्या उन्हें अब केवल प्रधानमंत्री पद की कुर्सी, ‘अर्जुन को चिड़िया की आँख’ की तरह दिखाई दे रही है…

    अशोक गुप्ता

    – See more at:

    March 7, 2014

    Ashok Gupta

    कश्मीर में शकराचार्य की स्थापना के नाम में यह परिवर्तन क केवल घोर आपत्तिजनत है, बल्कि इस के लिये संबंधित निर्णायक व्यवस्था की निंदा की जानी चाहिए और इसका आंदोलनधर्मी विरोध होना चाहिये. निर्णायक व्यवस्था पर यह दबाव बनाया जाय कि वह उन कारणों को उजागर करे जिनके आधार पर ऐसा अनर्गल लिया गया. इस प्रस्ताव का मूल कारक कौन था और अब यह निर्णय लागू होने की किस प्रक्रिया तक पहुंचा है. यह स्थिति एक रिट पिटीशन की मांग करती है जिसमें वह सारे प्रश्न उठाये जाएँ और उन्हें किसी कानूनविद के माध्यम से ऊपर तक पहुंचाया जाय. आश्चर्य है कि हिंदुत्व के पुरोधा नरेन्द्र मोदी का इस संबंध में कोई स्वर नहीं सुनाई पड़ा. क्या उन्हें अब केवल प्रधानमंत्री पड़ की कुर्सी, ‘चिड़िया की आँख’ की तरह दिकाई दे रही है…

    अशोक गुप्ता

    March 7, 2014


    It is an appeasement of Muslims who are considered to be the only ‘secular’ people in the world. We ‘communal’ Hindus do not have one hindu nation in the whole world, while the secular Muslims have more than a dozen islamic nations. Let us save the endangered culture of Hindus. It is as important as saving Tigers of India.

    March 7, 2014

    Radha Kishan Khetan

    Another sabotage – to remove Hindus and Hindu Monuments from J & K. Very sad state of affair on part of Central Govt. to allow this.

    March 5, 2014

    Suzanne Olsson

    I will leave this conversation now..I have nothing further to contribute. It saddens me that you have taken a historically correct decision, and somehow turned it around in to something it is not-How did you ever come up with the idea that this is about the ‘Islamization” of this temple site? The names associated with this temple have never been names associated with Islam. In fact this temple is one of the rare survivors left untouched by such influences. Kashmir is a wonderful place…what ever happens regarding the temple name, I wish peace and prosperity to prevail in Kashmir forever.. Best of luck to you always.

    March 5, 2014

    R.K. Murthy

    stupid decision. none can accept this change nor tolerate further more. let authorities think twice or thrice before to implement this wrong decision. Hindus are always Hindus. Dont touch their hearts and burn it furher in Kashmir. It is our place and always ours.

    March 5, 2014

    Suzanne Olsson

    The old monuments are there to remind Indians of their great heritage…but where do you think Indians came from? Why is the entire race referred to as ‘Indo-Europeans’? Of all civilizations in the world, people who resided in India had the most diversity and interaction with other cultures. In part this is due to the great Old Silk Road…trade (including exchange of genes) was more diverse in India than anywhere else on earth…The Romans were there. The Greeks, the Chinese, the Africans, the South East Asians…the diversity of this place and this race has been enormous. Adi Shankaracharya was indeed a great man. he was one of many great minds that India has produced. The oldest name for the hill and temple site was Jayesvegara (not sure of my spelling), a reference to Zoroastrianism and temples of light.. Why not call it by that name?

    March 5, 2014

    Ved Prakash Arya

    I would request the Govt. Of India not to initiate any process of changing name of Shankaracharya Hill in Srinagar, Kashmir just to please some section of people for political or any other reasons but to maintain status qou, as a permanent measure, especially in consideration with that such
    actions by any individual or even mass or Govt., which , though look simple and normal, are definitely going to disturb the one and most important requirement of ‘COMMUNAL HARMONY’ in the present times, which must be maintained at any cost. Hope, all peace loving Indians, irrespective of their
    personal reservations and feelings, would agree with my views.
    Hon’ble President of India is very kindly requested to consider my request before taking any further action on this issue, if at all any thing in this respect is in process.
    Ved P. Arya

    March 4, 2014


    Enough is enough. Old Monuments and structures are there to remind us about our great heritage. Let us not politicize religious places of the past. The achievements of Adi Shankaracharya are well known not only to India but to the entire world. He is the foremost among Indians and had visited Kashmir and established a place there. It is ridiculous to say that some body from Europe or West or so came and built this temple and that our own people were incapable of this. It is a well established fact that Indians were experts in making gold jewellery when people in most of the other parts of the globe did not know how to drape themselves. Our authorities need to acknowledge these facts and stop indulging in vandalism of this type. Let ASI give up such ideas and the name has to continue as “Shankaracharya Hill”

    March 4, 2014

    Damodar Rao

    Sorry it was 5000 B.C not AD

    March 4, 2014


    It would be known as Shankaracharya hill as well as Suleiman Teng (Solomon’s Hill) for many, many decades. I suggest people should go through legendary Samsar Chand Kaul’s book on Srinagar written several decades ago, which refers the hill also as Takht-e-Suleiman or the Throne of Solomon. The book is titled ‘Srinagar and Its Environs’ and is published by Utpal Publications, Srinagar. Chapter VI of the book [Page 57] gives the name of the hill as ‘Shankaracharya Hill Or Takhet-I-Sulaiman’

    March 4, 2014


    The UPA-II is doing all atrocities.

    March 4, 2014

    Suzanne Olsson

    What you are doing is “history bashing”..You cannot change the facts by simply changing a name. You will only succeed in making yourselves look ignorant and foolish, and I know you dont want that to happen.

    The temple has been rebuilt several times. Jesus’ apostle, Thomas, was sent by King Gondopharnes to repair the temple circa 45 AD..iThe Temple has been changed “repaired”- “remodeled” several times before and after this time. It was NOT called the Shankaracharya Temple then, This 700 years before Adi Shankaracharya was even born! If you were truly the proud Indians you say that you, then seek the truth and let the Temple be known by its original name…And you might want to read up on the history of Afghanistan. The Hebrews also founded Afghanistan..why wouldn’t their influence and families extend to India? King Saul was the son of Kish, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, one of the twelve Tribes of Israel. The legend describes Afghana as the son of Jeremiah and grandson of King Saul.This name is mentioned in the form of Abgan in the 3rd century CE by the Sassanians and as Avagana in the 6th century CE by Indian astronomer Varahamihira.

    It is mentioned that Afghana was orphaned at a young age, and brought up by King David. When Solomon became the king, Afghana was made commander-in-chief of the army. Afghana is also credited with the building of the first temple (also known as Bait ul-Mukaddas or the Temple of Jerusalem):

    According to Tadhkirat al-Muluk, Afghana migrated to the place known as Takht-i-Sulaiman. The exact location is not clearly described..but since he settled in the region of Afghanistan and India…could it be the very same Takht-iSulaiman? I wish you all the best in your search for the truth about Shankaraycharya Hill.

      March 4, 2014


      I’m advising you to read all the scriptures from Hinduism. It would help you to get some wisdom and virtue to differentiate what is History & What is Comic !!! Your lifetime may not be enough for the completion of study. May the Supreme Lord of Universe shall help you to attain Salvation by properly seeking a right knowledge.

      March 4, 2014

      Damodar Rao

      5000 AD Krishna was there…. remember before Krishna there is lot of history Satya Harischandra, after huge gap then Sri Rama again huge gap Krishna…. This is Sanatana Dharma… roots of this Dharma cannot be traced. Its all Karna Parampara (ear to ear, not on paper). Some one said that before Adi Shankara temple was there… yes it was whats wrong… there must be some name… why the Adi Shankara name is added because the importance of Adi Shankara is very high, even today his commentaries are treated as standerds…he did not change the system but he made it easy to understand, more of practical approach and at the same time he said that listen to me, use your logic then decide on your own, no compulsion, this is called real freedom. that is why he is so important!

        March 4, 2014

        Damodar Rao

        Sorry it was 5000 B.C not AD

    March 4, 2014


    Why do we discuss this and make it a point of discussion to prove & disapprove?
    Simply some one should take a gun and shoot the person who implanted this absued idea. Enough is enough.

    March 3, 2014

    Ghanshyam Jindal

    It is ridiculous that a place known as Shankaracharya Hill in Kashmir is renamed just because ASI has come up with a fictitious story. Enough damage has been done to our culture and heritage, those in power should at least now rise to the occasion and put a full stop to this kind of deeds.

    March 3, 2014


    Shri. Pranab Mukherjee, The President of India
    Pravin Srivastava, Director General
    Shharat Sharma, Additional Director General
    Haji Dr. Syed Jamal Hasan, Director (Exploration & Excavation)
    Dr. R.S. Fonia Joint Director General, Joint Director General
    B.B. Samaddar, Director (Administration,Planning)
    Janhwij Sharma, Director (Conservation, NCF)
    D. Dayalan, Director (Monument)
    Ms. Urmila Sant, Director (Museum & Exhibition)
    Ms. Subhra Pramanik, Director (Institute of Archaeology)
    T.R Sharma, Director (CEP & Publication)
    Smt. Satyabhama Badreenatha, Director (NMMA & WH Section)
    Dr. B. R. Mani, Additional Director General
    Do not change the name of Shankaracharya Hill in Kashmir



    From the very architecture of this ruins, it is obvious, it has nothing but of pure Indian origin. If any Jew reads this nonsense, he / she would probably die laughing. Solomon / Suleiman is probably having stomach cramps in his grave, laughing at this expertise of the Archeological Survey of India, Politically motivated imbecilities like this once again makes ASI look like the idiots that also went after a futile wild goose chase for gold, based on a god-man’s dream

    March 3, 2014

    subramanian a.p.


    March 3, 2014

    Suzanne Olsson

    I read the article.. the author needs a lot more background in ancient history to explain the shared origins between Hindus and Hebrews.. they were the same they divided and spread, some of their greatest people became gods to some, prophets to others..Is there a connection between Sarasvati and Brahma—were they actually Sarah and Abraham to the Jews? A lot of researchers say yes. There are 11 historical sources that mention Jesus in India…I listed them in my book on page 288. I was unaware of some sources, and gave credit to both Aziz Kashmiri and Fida Hassnain for the information they dug up in historical records… This includes mention of the grave of King David’s son in Kashmir..Professor Hassnain wrote: ” Aural Stein read about Kashmir in the works of Hieun Tsiang, Marco Polo, Bernier, and Vigne. Kashmiris were very particular about preserving their identity, and they would not allow anyone to settle there, or to rule, except for Jews.” This lineage was traced through King David. Meticulous lineage records had to be kept because it is believed the next messiah will come from King David’s bloodline..and so although kings of Kashmir might be identified as Shavites or Buddhist or Hindu…they still had to have a genealogy that somehow led back to King David..even if only one remote drop of his bloodline..Now another avenue of approach is to understand the closeness between Zoroastrians and Hebrews…for a time they too were indistinguishable…and for a time the temple was also a temple of light- a Zoroastrian is not hard to realize how one side of the family would think of it as Zoroastrian, another side would think of it as Hebrew…Shankacharya (788-820CE)came along much later in the history of Kashmir..He was almost as bad as Sikander in his zeal to wipe out everything except his brand of Hinduism..the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. This is when everything changed (again) in Kashmir.At the time of Adi Shankara’s life, Hinduism was increasing in influence in India at the expense of Buddhism and Jainism. Hinduism was divided into innumerable sects, each quarrelling with the others. The followers of Mimamsa and Sankhya philosophy were atheists, insomuch that they did not believe in God as a unified being. Besides these atheists there were numerous theistic sects. There were also those who rejected the Vedas, like the Charvakas. Adi Shankara held discourses and debates with the leading scholars of all these sects and schools of philosophy to controvert their doctrines. He unified the theistic sects into a common framework of Shanmata system. In his works, Adi Shankara stressed the importance of the Vedas, and his efforts helped Hinduism regain strength and popularity. Many trace the present worldwide prominence of Vedanta to his works. He travelled on foot to various parts of India to restore the study of the Vedas. Even though he lived for only thirty-two years his impact on India and on Hinduism was striking. So all the “history” that the author of this article refers to is actually a late history when Adi Shankacharya influence began in Kashmir, replacing all that went before.. I hope this helps a little…none of us really knows all the answers..that’s why it’s called “research’ and I hope we all continue to seek the right answers..

    March 3, 2014

    Krishna M. Gutala

    Pitiable that a place known since centuries as Sankaracharya Hill, suddenly gets transformed to some Muslim name, may be under pollitical influence.ASI cannot distort history. Learned scholars alone can dig at the truth. The earlier name of the hilll must be retained.

    March 2, 2014


    Rathet than saying in 1000 words just want to say in one line …

    Stop playing with emotions and facts othewise one day people will start playing with u..

    January 6, 2014


    Whatever Olsson concluded…But many other historians have proved that exactly the opposite is the case. Kashmiris were the one who influenced the culture of Israel. Or may be Kashmiris were the ones who migrated to Israel developed a culture. It is a fact proven without doubt that civilisation development started in the the region spanning Turkey to Norther India and spread elsewhere. Hence whatever Olsson concludes can never be true.

    January 6, 2014


    India has to stop this. Kashmir is not only Kashmiri Muslims place. All Kasmiri pandits were driven off. Now they cant buy land in their own Kashmir.Where as muslims community can buy. Thats ridicules.

    January 6, 2014


    Thats so sad bad…looks like whole of India will break into smaller muslim domains.

    October 2, 2013


    How come this item dated September 12, 2013 cites the Tribune News Report dated September 23, 2013 as the Source?

    [ ]

    Dal mein kala hai?

    September 29, 2013


    Jesus was initiated by Augusthya muni. There are references of Jesus traveling to India and got initiated. Bible refers to Saint Augustine with a different story. Jesus would have visited Kashmir after crucification given that he had spiritual ties with India. India has been the spiritual hub historically. So Kashmir has been hindu base from time immemorial. Kashmiri Shiavites were one of the top pandit class. We lost them after the brutal killings by terrorists. Hinduism is the oldest religion and it should not be a surprise where and all we can find our spiritual masters worked to establish temples and spread hindu philosophies and help humanity. our masters never thought of converting people but believed in internal transformation. We believed spiritual knowledge is always free. They travelled around the world. we can see references to Narada Muni (paradise falls) given by Native americans for a waterfall in Mt rainer national park. we have Shiva and Vishnu temples in Grand canyon. Even in Cambodia forests, we can see shiva lingas carved on stones in addition to tall and huge Shiva and Vishnu temples. It is sad to see Indian politicians and Media working on changing the public minds to be westernized and one day , not only we loose our heritage we also loose our next generation towards this massive destruction called westernization. It is time to wake up for all Hindus, convertered Christians and muslims to thnk about their roots and stand as one to brings India’s pride back. Corruption and anti Hinduism has gone to its max limits. If Shankara’s presence in Kashmir is questioned today, tomorrow idol worshipping and all our temples will be questioned. It’s time to wake up! we can contact ASI and explain them. Ask them how they came to this conclusion. We need to start reverting these changes.

    September 29, 2013


    We can protest this. We do the same for each and every denigration of Hindu Deity.

    Please be Hindu by Karma also. Let us do our Karma and prevent our Dharm.

    www, –

    Spread work in social network, as well as file petition.

    September 28, 2013


    It is shameful on part of ASI to name Shankerachari temple as Takth i Suliaman on the plaque. Why should they distort the history? The institution is there to protect and preserve the age old cultural heritage of the land not to deface the history of the place. Ancient ruins and temples depicts the richness of culture, art and architect of its people. Only religious bigots either destroyed such edifice of cultures or rename them with their religious paint. Even the State Govt. who so ever is at the helm of affairs in Kashmir should immediate stop this type of blatant distortion of history in Kashmir which has complete past recorded history in many foreign Universities of Europe. Those people who are indulging is such vulgarity are throwing mud on their faces. They won’t have any specific gain accept their religious ego gets satisfied. The inclination within certain circle in Kashmiri Muslim was going on steadily,how to make Takth e Suliaman more popular in place of Shankerachari for last half a century. Now Kashmir is Islamic state within secular India; they are at liberty to use Indian money to re write history of Kashmir in new module.

    September 27, 2013

    Virender Kaul

    Roots of hinduism challenged,roots of kashmiri pandits challenged,roots of history challenged.Govt. will remain mute spectator,as long as the N.C is alliance with Congress.

    September 27, 2013


    This vicious campaign of converting religious places started long time back in Kashmir . Lalded’s temple was converted to Shah-hamdan mosque in front of my own eyes. Kashmir has seen innumerable such conversions. Kaali Mandir converted to Khaniqa moullah in downtown Fatehkdal another glaring example.Shankaracharya mandir is perhaps one of the last citadels to fall to such Islamic hegemony. Sickularism touching new depths in independent hindu majoroity India.

    September 27, 2013

    vikas mittal

    I wish there would have been a way to tell all the hindus that how their history has been systematically distorted and how it has been christianised, islamised, and europeanised.

    September 27, 2013


    Its becoming painful with each passing day, hindus getting humiliated.

      September 27, 2013


      Just to add with my previous comment. Emboldened by this initiative of, I would suggest, can we open up our own research wing, to protect each of our historical places from further renaming or academic renaming. Call up all the interested peoples who already have good knowledge of the ancient monuments in their respective areas and later all these documents, evidences, collected together can be used to initiate further research of hindu monuments, temples, mounds, books and much more.

      There’s enough scope for research and work related to hinduism. We can protect hinduism only with research and more research. Westerners or English Indians with weternised minds will keep fooling the masses of this country with their lies and deception. Hinduism needs to add objectivity into the work we do.

        October 18, 2013


        High time we need it. But i am afraid entire indian intelligentia is busy making money & looking at west for next wave of inventions which make our lives comfortable at the cost of our Irrecoverable loss 🙁

    September 27, 2013

    Gaurav Kapoor

    This is really sad that history has repeatedly been deliberately altered to damage & destroy hinduism.

    Sometimes I feel that naming a road / mission / heritage place etc needs to be through a proper system as we are also fed up with Gandhi/nehru name schemes….

    September 27, 2013


    Sathya Sai Baba did mention once that after Jesus’s cruxification, Jesus arrived in Kashmir and he left his body from there itself.

    However that doesnt mean Jews or Israelis controlled Kashmir. Nor does it mean that the Shankaracharya temple had to be renamed.

    September 26, 2013

    Raj kaushik

    Sad part is even some hindus also believe jesus in kashmir crap.P.n oak,stephen knapp had done grave harm for hindus by propagating this crap.

      March 2, 2014


      and what’s the harm in that, esp. to know that the unaccounted years of Jesus were those in which he had wandered like a monk and ‘trained’ under yogic and Buddhist tutelage?! there indeed is a samadhi in Kashmir of a saint, which as per locals and some researchers could well be of Jesus. UKA’s comment below is reflective of what i intend to write (esp. his 3rd sentence therein).

    September 26, 2013


    final touches of the islamization of Kashmir, the same happened to taj mahal and same is happening over and again ,

    September 26, 2013

    Basudeo Sharma

    बड़े शर्म की बात है कि अब नेता देश को नकेवल जाति भाषा धर्म आदिके नाम पर बाटते आये है, बल्कि बड़ी बेशर्मी ये मात्र भोट के लिये पुरतत्विक महत्व के स्मारकों को भी साम्प्रदायिक के रंग में रंग कर उसे पुन:नामांकन कर अपनी साम्प्रदायिक विचारों को तुष्ट कर रहे हैं, लूल्ही लगड़ी सरकार अपनी बेवशी पर आठ-आठ आँसू गिरा रही है .