Babas in white robes: ‘God’ men and their misdeeds

This article takes a dispassionate look at the so called Godmen across religious backgrounds, the evil they indulge in and the kind of leeway given to them by civil society.

The controversy and violence surrounding the conviction of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda religious movement has raised questions about the nature of Indic faith leaders and the gullibility of their flock. Gurmeet Singh’s actions are by no means acceptable in any civilized society and are wholly condemnable.

But, in this uproar, we must take a dispassionate look at the so called Godmen across religious backgrounds, the evil they indulge in and the kind of leeway given to them by civil society.

Certain sections of the mainstream media would have the general public believe that such criminality is unique only to Hindu/Sikh/Jain religious leaders. In fact, the term ‘Godmen’ is almost exclusively used for Hindu religious leaders and Gurus in India, though such a term has no resonance to anything in Hindu tradition. Crimes by Hindu Godmen are played up in media and given extra-ordinary focus.

However, one finds that Godmen of various Christian denominations are frequently arrested on charges of sexual misconduct and often convicted. But, they mostly do not make it into mainstream media. At best, a routine report is filed by the reporter or stringer on the local beat. After that, the report is given a quiet burial. This never makes to Breaking News even in most regional TV channels and, as such, hardly occupies any mind space in public consciousness.

Despite this censorship, scores of crimes committed by Christian Godmen have made it into some corner of mainstream media publications.

In this report, we have compiled these incidents, which have appeared in the mainstream media itself in the recent years, which, though is only a tip of the iceberg, can still bring to focus the enormity of crimes, which have been either suppressed, ignored or downplayed in the media.

Fifty odd instances of sexual misconduct have been attributed to Indian or Indian-origin clergy in just the last 10 years.  Many of the allegations relate to abuse of minors.

Some of our findings are:

  • 25 odd instances (more than 50%) were reported in the last 18 months as of writing this report.
  • 7 of these instances ended in conviction, though initial offence had been committed many years before.
  • 30 of these instances were reported about Godmen in Tamil Nadu and Kerala alone.
  • The overwhelming majority of Christian clergy arrested for sex abuse of minors hailed from Tamil Nadu or Kerala, even though the crimes were committed elsewhere.
  • Here are a few examples where the Church, Government authorities and press have acted to shield the sex offender.
    • The former Governor of Goa, SC Jamir is known to have intervened in getting a case against Fr Newton Rodrigues dismissed. Fr Rodrigues is accused of molesting a 13-yr-old.
    • The Ooty Diocese revoked suspension against Rev Jayapaul, convicted of sexual assault on two 14-year-old girls in the United States.
    • Sam Aaron, pastor in Shekinah Assembly of God, Namakkal, was out on bail even after facing charges of sexual assault within a short while.
    • In the case of a senior Church functionary, Bishop Karkare, no follow-up reports have been made in a case where he was accused of rape.
    • At a children’s home in Amboli, unnamed staff that were accused of physical and mental intimidation of juvenile inmates were shifted to another shelter. Authorities from the Maharashtra State Women and Children’s Welfare department claim that this action is sufficient
    • One well-publicized case was that of Father Arockiaraj, accused of sexually abusing and murdering a 17-year-old. Here, the Catholic Church had not reported the matter to the police, even when aware of the matter.

These, and various other cases, beg a few important questions:

  1. Why are these not a cause célèbre among Indian media people yet?
  2. Why are the various Church denominations, Catholic, Assemblies of God not included in litigation? Why should the organizations not be penalized for acts of omission and commission on the part of their functionaries?
  3. Why should not Church properties be also attached by the Indian State, as was done in the case of Dera Sacha Sauda?
  4. Since most organizations to which the alleged/convicted perpetrators belonged are FCRA-NGOs, should not the FCRA Wing of Home Ministry take cognizance of these crimes and alert the foreign donors of these misdeeds?

This table below summarizes each case, with links to media stories.

NameOrganizationLocationStateDate/YearCase StatusMedia stories
Pastor Raja DavidMother Theresa OrphanagePattukottaiTNJuly 2016Arrested1,2,3
Pastor Millan SinghUkkirankottaiTNOctober 2016Arrested1, 2, 3, 4
Fr Stephen JosephLittle Angel Children’s Home, Vision of Life TrustMookkuperi, ThoothukudiTNDec 2016Convicted1,2,3
Raju KokkenSaint Paul’s ChurchThaikkattussery, ThrissurKLMay 2014Arrested1
HunnyParali, PalakkadKLArrested1
Sajan MathaiIsrael Pentecost Church, PunchavayalRanni, PathanamthittaKLMay 2014Arrested1, 2,3
Edwin FigarezKottappauram Catholic dioceseErnakulamKLDec 2016Convicted1,2,3
Father ArockiarajSt Stanislaus Church, WalayarPalakkadKLAug 2016Arrested1,2,3
John PhiliposeBalagram Bala Mandiram run by Malankara Orthodox Syrian ChurchValayanchirangaraKLFeb 2016Arrested1,2,3
UnknownBanjara Gypsy HomePuducherryPYJan 2017No FIR1,2
Fr. Jose PallimattomFranciscan Province of St. Thomas the ApostleWas deported from Florida for crimes there. During trial, US MSM reported that he abused in India as well. No FIR in India, to our knowledge.1,2,3,4,5,6
Premsingh Masih, Anjana MasihSC/ST HostelBagli, IndoreMP1,2
Fr. Robin alias Mathew VadakkancherilVicar, St Sebastian’s Church & Manager, IJM Higher Secondary SchoolKottiyoorKLFeb 2017Arrested1,2,3,4
UnknownTuition Centre, Run by Religious PreacherPudukkadai, KanyakumariTN1,2
Naomi & RubenRuby HomeUppal, HyderabadTSMar 2017Case booked1,2,3
Sijo GeorgeCoordinator, Kerala Catholic Youth Movement, Mananthavady DioceseWayanadKLMar 2017Arrested1,2,3,4,5,6
Fr. Thomas ParackalThe Society Of St. Eugene Demazenod, Punalur Diocese, Vicar of Moozikode St Mary’s Church and Pullamala Holy Cross ChurchPunalurKLMar 2017Arrested1,2,3,4,5,6
Pastor RajeshNedumangadu ChurchNedumangaduKLMay 2017Arrested1
Bro. Sunith KumarSave a Child OrphanageMalkajgiri, HyderabadTSArrested1,2,3
Fr. Saji JosephSt. Vincent’s BalaNagar orphanage, Eparchy of MananthavadyMeenangadiKLJuly 2017Arrested1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Fr Lawrence JohnsonChrist the King Church, GovandiMumbaiMHDec 2015Arrested1,2,3,4
PrabhakarPrema Nilayam OrphanageSiddipetTSAug 2017Arrested1,2,3
Rev. Simon PalathingalUnited StatesSep 2004Convicted1
Father Newton RodriguesRibandarGAOct 2010Closed1,2,3
Pastor Sanil JamesSalvation Army Church, PeechiPeechiKLMay 2017Convicted1
Pastor K. ShantharajuBethel Student CentreBangaloreKAJune 2011Arrested1,2
Fr. Jonathan RobinsonGrail TrustValliyoorTN2011Trial1,2
Fr. ArockiarajRC Diocese, CoimbatorePalakkadTN-KLAug 2016Arrested1
Warden JeyarajChristian Evangelical Lutheran MinistriesSt. Marks Children’s Home, GunturAP2014Arrested1,2,3
Pastor Packianathan & Suresh KumarTamil Evangelical Lutheran ChurchPollachiTNJune 2014Arrested1,2,3,4,5,6
Pastor Dasi Ajay BabuAndhra Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGunturAP2011Arrested1,2,3,4
Jeyapaul Joseph PalanivelOoty DioceseUnited States2015Convicted1,2,3
Pastor Sam AaronShekinah AssemblyNamakkalTNMar 2016Arrested1,2,3,4
Pastor Surendra MohanBelukurichi ChurchRasipuramTNDec 2016Arrested1,2,3
Fr. David JohnsonRoorkeeUKMar 2014Arrested1
Pastor David InbarajChennaiTNNov 2014Convicted1
Fr. David GnaniahChurch of South IndiaSawyerpuram, TuticorinTNNov 2015Case filed1
Sr. JesseApostolic Christian MissionErukkanchery, ChennaiTNNov 2015Case filed1
Pastor AruldasNilgirisTNAug 2015Arrested1
Bishop KarkareHyderabad Episcopal Area of the Methodist Church in IndiaLaturTSJun 2015Case filed1
Fr. F. ArockiamMadras ArchdioceseTiruvotriyur School Correspondent, ChennaiTNAug 2017Case filed1,2
VariousSt. Catherine’s HomeAmboli, MumbaiMH2016-2017No FIR1
Pastor Mallishetti JamesBrahmaputra OrphanageGachibowli, HyderabadTSAug 2016Arrested1,2,3
Pastor Jacob JohnGrace FellowshipJaipurRJ2013-2014Arrested1,2
Fr. Edwin FigarezKottapuram RC DiocesePuthenvellikaraKLApr 2015Sentenced1,2,3
Pastor K Shymon P PaulGospel in Action FellowshipGudalurTN/KLApr 2015Arrested1
Pastor Chode SureshIndependent MinistryEluruAPApr 2016Arrested1,2
Pastor Samuel Pagi and Satish PagiPandita Ramabai Mukti MissionPuneMHMay 2013Arrested1,2
Fr. Basil KuriakoseKings David Intl. schoolKochiKLJan 2017Arrested1,2
Pastor Prabhu
Vallamai Tharayo Childrens HomeChennaiTNSep 2015Arrested1,2,3
Rev. Sadhu ImmanuelSahityam Charitable TrustTiruvalloorTNMay 2012Arrested1

We thank @by2kaafi and @zeneraalstuff for collecting and compiling data used in this report.