There is no dearth of Human Rights Reports being produced about India. But most of these exclude a large percentage of the human rights violations in India on the mistaken premise that rights violations in India can only take place against “minorities.”
To rectify this key omission —that of discrimination against and persecution of Hindus in India prevalent in these reports and to provide a corrective to the one-sided reporting by international organizations, IndiaFacts is bringing out a comprehensive report on human rights violations against the majority community of Hindus in India.
The IndiaFacts Hindu Human Rights report 2017, prepared by Mayank Patel and edited by Nithin Sridhar and Sankrant Sanu, documents both systematic and episodic violations of human rights, including sanctioned discrimination against Hindus by the State. The report focuses largely on incidents from 2015 and 2016 with some other selected incidents added in certain cases for historical context.
Aravinda Rao, ex-Director General Police, Andhra Pradesh observes: “The IndiaFacts team in this monograph, has discussed the persecution of the majority by the ruling ideologies in Tamil Nadu and other places. In the present context of globalization, the issue of majority or minority of a religious group cannot be determined at the level of an individual country but it should be seen in the global context. Hindus may be the majority in India but they are a minority at the global level… Each of the issues outlined by the writer deserves an elaborate study.”
The report will be officially launched on August 19, Saturday in New Delhi at 4.30 PM. It will be released by Ram K Ohri and J P Sharma, who are retired IPS officers and the authors of the book “The Majority Report”. Madhu Kishwar, the ICSSR Maulana Azad National Professor and Founder-Editor of Manushi journal is the Guest Speaker.
Date: August 19, 2017, Saturday
Time: 4.30 PM
Venue: INTACH, 71, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi.
(near Alliance Francaise / or behind Chinmaya Mission)
For more details, check the flyer attached below.

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