Venue: Regional office of Gurukul Prakalp, Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Near Durga Kund, Varanasi
21-30th January 2019
Bharatiya shikshan mandal is working towards resurgence of Gurukul Education system through one of it’s Project named as “Gurukul prakalp”since 2016. After the successful international conference at Ujjain in April 2018, various orientation workshops, training programs are being organized at various parts of the country and regional executive committees of volunteers have been formed throughout the country and in few neighboring countries as well.
Gurukul prakalp’s Varanasi regional team organized 11 day tutorial workshop on Dhanurveda based gurukulams in January 2019. Acharya Jnanendra Sapkota, an eminent scholar of Veda, Vyaakarana and Nyaaya led this workshop in which more than 20 scholars from Varanasi region participated.
Each day of the workshop started with reading session of Dhanurveda texts fallowed by practice session. After the lunch break, participants visited various ancient vyayama shalas/Gurukulams in and around Varanasi, where Dhanurveda is being taught and practiced. Evening sessions were lectures by various scholars fallowed by an hour long discussion session.
11 scholars out of 20 participants delivered 11 lectures on various topics related to Dhanurveda and sat throughout remaining sessions as participants to learn from other’s lectures and discussions. Various tools and weapons were brought for practice sessions. During the visit to Dhanurveda practiner’s places, participants were exposed to real practices and various Dhanurveda related aspects including traditional weapon making process.
Outcome of the workshop
- In the process of text reading sessions, more then fifteen ancient scripture were found which are helpful in making syllabus for Kshatriya Gurukulams.
- Shikshan mandal found out that there are more than 25 places/Gurukulams in which Dhanurveda is practiced and more than 800 students are learning through these Gurukulams
- Pariticipants and Shikshan Mandal were amazed to know that Sampurnanad Sanskrit University has an active department of Dhanurveda.
- Shiskshan mandal decided to organise next level workshop for scholars to prepare syllabus based on the scriptures and practices which were found during this workshop.
- Shikshan Mandal found out many traditional and authentic bow makers and other weapon makers who have preserved this knowledge from their ancestry
Summary of the Workshop
दिनांकः Date | स्वाध्याय: Text reading | प्रयोगविज्ञानम् Practice session | व्याख्यानम् Lecture | स्थलदर्शनम् place Visits | चर्चा Discussion Topic |
२१/०१/१९ | ग्रन्थोपक्रम:, आचार्यलक्षणं, शस्त्रदानविधि:, वेधारम्भ: | युद्धानि- बाहु, गदा, दण्ड | धनुर्वेदपरम्परा: | नटवावीरव्यायामशाला, शज्र्ुलधारापोखरा | परिचय:, धनुर्वेदसम्बन्ध, आगमनोद्देश्यम्
२२/०१/१९ | चाप:, गुण:, शर:, पुङ्ख:, फल: | मुद्गर, मुसल छुरिका, | धनुर्वेदसन्दर्भा:
| अज्ञानवीरबाबा व्यायामशाला, गान्धिचौक | धनुर्वेदप्रयोजनानि |
२३/०१/१९ | पायनं, नाराचा:, नालीका:, शतघ्नी, स्थानं, मुष्टि:, | व्याय:, लक्ष्यम् खड्ग, कुन्त, चक्रम् | संस्कारे धनुर्वेद: | पाण्डेयव्यायामशाला, पाण्डेयघाट | धनुर्वेदीयकिम्वदन्त्य:
२४/०१/१९ | अभ्यास:, अनध्याय:, श्रमक्रिया, | लक्ष्यास्खलनम् निर्माणम् -वंशधनु:, प्रत्यञ्चा, बाण, लक्ष्यम् | धनुर्वेदीयलोकक्रीडा | तुलसीव्यायामशाला, तुलसीघाट | स्वक्षेत्रे दृश्यमानो धनुर्वेद:
२५/०१/१९ | शीघ्रसन्धानं, दूरपातित्वं, दृढभेद:, हीनगतय:, शुद्धगतय:, दृढचतुष्वंâ, | धनुर्वेदसाम्प्रतिकम् चित्रविधि: | स्थिरप्रक्षेपणं,चलप्रक्षेप: | सज्र्टमोचनव्यायामशाला, सज्र्टमोचन | ग्राम्यक्रीडायां धनुर्वेद:
| चलवेध:, स्वरशास्त्रं, शब्दवेधित्वं, बाणप्रत्यागमनम् , | अस्त्रप्रयोग:, उपसंहारविधि:, अस्त्राणि शाङ्र्गधनुर्निर्माणम् | भरतीयसेनायाम् धनुर्वेद: | दशमीव्यायामशाला, मञ्जुश्रीस्वूâल के निकट, दशमी | धनुर्वेदस्यावश्यकता |
| औषधिप्रयोगा:, आत्मरक्षणं, सङ््ग्रामविधि:, | व्यूहा:, जलयुद्धम् नाराच, नालिकनिर्माणम्, | धनुर्वेदस्यावश्यकता | काशीव्यायामशाला, गोघाट | धनुर्वेदप्रचारे बाधा: समाधानानि च |
२८/०१/१९ | सेनानयनं,- पदातिक्रम:, योद्धृशिक्षा, अश्वक्रमशिक्षे, हस्तिक्रमशिक्षे, अघ्न्या: | दृढचित्र लक्ष्यवेधनं, पायनम् | वनवासिषु धनुर्विद्या | गैबीव्यायामशाला, गैबी | जनजागृतिप्रकारा:
| क्षात्रधर्म:,- उत्पत्ति:, संस्कारा:, अध्ययनं, | वृत्ति:, जीवत्याग: श्रमप्रकारा:, ओषधिलेप:, कवचम् | धनुर्वेदीयगुरुकुलस्वरूपम् | पाणिनिकन्यागुरुकुल, बडीगैबी, महमूरगंज | धनुर्वेदीयसम्भावना |
३०/०१/१९ | राजधर्म:, दण्डनीति:, रजव्यापार:, | विदेशनीति:, राज्यभेदा:, व्यूहप्रदर्शनम् | समापनसत्रीयपाथेयम् | रामनगरराजकीय-व्यायामशाला तथा दुर्ग, रामनगर | धनुर्वेदे स्वदायित्वनिर्णय:
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